
We learn, live and share the traditional values: Trust, Respect, Responsibility, Loyalty, Solidarity, Harmony, and Prosperity.


Our corporate purpose is to achieve long-term success through organic growth. We do this by providing security and stability for our employees and offering innovative and unique solutions that fulfill the needs of our clients.


As a logistics company, our goal is to become your trusted partner of choice providing flexible solutions and high-quality service delivery in all markets, every time.

Code of Conduct

The Atlantic Forwarding Code of Business Conduct affirms the principles by which we do business. It applies to all our employees and sets a common standard for our global operations wherever we do business. By applying this Code in our daily work, we remain true to our ethical principles and core values which are at the heart of our business.

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Our Story

The history of our company begins in 1979, in Switzerland, when Theo Ernst founded Atlantic Forwarding.

Subsidiary companies were founded, the very same year, in Hong Kong, Taiwan and South-Korea.

Its very personal and familiar way of dealing with employees, partners and customers, as well as the proficiency of its management provided the young company with a quick growth. The amount of dispatched transports multiplied itself every year.

Between 1986 and 1988, Atlantic Forwarding took over the existing partners in Japan and Thailand and changed them into subsidiary companies. At the end of the 1980s, there were more than 100 persons working for Atlantic Forwarding.

Despite the fierce competition and the worldwide recession in 1987, Atlantic Forwarding not only held its dominating position in Asia, but expanded it. High quality and fair prices have always been the motto of Atlantic Forwarding.

In the nineties Atlantic Forwarding began its expansion of its worldwide network. And with massive investments in the IT sector, Atlantic Forwarding was able to optimize the costs. Furthermore, the e-commerce sector could be enlarged with new products and services and the overall quality could be improved. This was the basis for a new and strong growth for the new millennium. After 40 years, the list of new partners and customers seems endless, expanding to Europe, Asia,  North-America, Latin-America, and Oceania.

Today, the Atlantic Forwarding Group employs 300 people, and its networks consist offices across the globe.

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Our Business Principles


We are a privately owned, independent organization, basing our code of conduct on the traditional values of ethical business relationships.


Mutual trust between our clients, employees, and partners is key for a sound foundation. This helps us achieve our goals and ensure our success.


We believe that equality in all its facets must prevail across the entire corporate organization to empower employees to act freely, with confidence, and within their own abilities.


The purpose of our group is to promote planned, sustained growth within the accepted parameters of ethical business practice to ensure long-term relationships and well-being.

Board of Directors

Daniel Weissenberger

Chief Executive Officer

Yuri Valazza

CEO Asia

Marc Matschullat

CEO Europe and Americas

Chris Ritt